Demetrick Ferguson – Co-Founder of The Bitcoin Podcast
In 2015, Dwmetrick Co-Founded The Bitcoin Podcast, which has since grown to The Bitcoin Podcast Network. This is a collection of shows providing authentic cryptocurrency content around the clock. The Bitcoin Podcast Network now garnishes >100k downloads a month and has a lively budding community! With Demetrick, cryptocurrency has a simple initiative, adoption is the only thing that matters.
He left the field of education to pursue a career in Business Management Consulting with Dewolff, Boberg, & Associates in 2016. In the time spent with DB&A he developed skills centered around business logic and implementing behavior change management. Through 3 longstanding projects as a DB&A consultant, he made recommendations that aided in unlocking 4 million dollars in annualized cost savings. Currently he works with Cogent Analytics as a Project Director.
Follow him on Twitter @Fergulati